Whenever the opportunity arises, Andrew Vivers, the owner of The Gida, Arniefoul, grasps the chance to put on his cross-country ski shoes, clip on his skis and take off across the silent Sidlaw hills that surround his home. The quiet beauty of gliding along virgin snow allows you to get closer to nature and the wildlife. Familiar scenes and views, now covered in snow, give a sensation of being in a wholly different countryside. Despite the freezing temperatures, the blue sky, bright sun, and glow of warmth from exercise generate a tremendous sense of well-being.
'I have cross-country skied for four decades now and nothing beats being able to walk out the back door, alone or with friends, free from the need to travel to a resort and meet with that rush of people and queues. Cross-country skiing is much easier than is often thought. Once one has learned the basic technique, it is so much easier to walk on skis than plough through snow on foot! Thereafter it is up to you whether you wish to walk or run to get more exercise'.
During the Winter of 2009/10 so many friends remarked with concern, how difficult it must have been to endure the conditions. In fact, here at Arniefoul we were blessed. day after day, after day, with blue sky and sunshine and deep white snow; we were thrilled to be amidst it and cherish it - peacefully sharing it only with the odd gamekeeper, shepherd and, of course, the wildlife. Now that Winter 2010/11 has come early, we greet it and anticipate another season, privileged to live in such a glorious corner of Scotland.
Andrew welcomes the opportunity for holiday guests in the Gida to accompany him and experience this sensational sport. He is very happy to give instruction should it be required.